Why Thailand?
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09-21-2012, 02:19 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
For me, it begins and ends with my Thai family.
I did not select Thailand as my exchange program location, the exchange program chose it for me. (I asked for some place far from home with a difficult language). There were only 25 of us that went that year from the States and within a year back home, most of those 25 had lost all contact with their family. I, however, had such a transforming experience with them. ...and throughout my life they have been there for the good, the bad, and the really bad. They took care of me in a hospital, celebrated my Master's Degree, mourned the loss of my American mom, sent crazy fun notes and photographs, offered advice when the world collapsed, etc. ...and because of this marvelous relationship, they have shown me their country, their language, their community.... I have been back to work, to tour, to visit...always to recapture that warmth and love and store up for cold days back home.
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