Tattoo Festival at Wat Bang Phra
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10-07-2008, 09:58 AM
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Oct 2005
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I am off to tour Thailand for three weeks in November. I know that showing the bottom of the foot and pointing with your feet is very rude in Thailand. I have two tatoos and they happen to be on the top of my feet. The one on my right foot is a Tibetan knot (It is a diamond shaped 'eternal' knot and, amongst other things, the symbol represents the form that The Buddha's entrails took upon attaining nirvana. I knew this before getting the tattoo but it didn't necessarily weigh heavily on the decision to get it). Do you think Thai people will take offense? Is the sacred head to lowly feet belief prevalent throughout Buddhism or is it a predominantly Thai norm? I didn't think I would ever get a tattoo but somehow since I turned thirty five I have ended up with two. Gees, I am hoping that I am not just another rude farang that has gone and gotten a tattoo that is offensive to a majority of Buddhist's. Oh Dear. Will I be wearing socks to all the Wat's?ordoIworrytoomuch.D
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