I wonder how much violent crime is there in Bangkok?....While I was there for 3 weeks, I noticed only one murder on Bkk.`s tv-news. Since I don`t understand Thai nor can read the newspapers there could have been lot more crime I did not see. So how much crime is there in big city like Bkk.?....here in Chicago, rarely a night passes by without a murder, on some nights 2, 3, even 5-6 murders on bad nights. (and I don`t mean to be washing our dirty laundry in public, but these are the facts-police stats.). And those are just murders, then there are robberies, rapes, burglaries,...the "Excitement" never ends ...And Chicago is only 2.8 millions while Bkk. is about 6 millions, so how do the 2 cities compare crime wise?