Why are you interested in Thai culture?
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09-21-2012, 09:39 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
By accident I found a very good career posting here, and really like the Thai politeness, and respect they had for elders and family. These traits had all but been forgotten in the western communities.
I chose to stay here for those reasons as well. My daughter will grow up learning these social values, the schools here are better than Australia as well - believe it or not.
Discipline is not banned, and you get ranked, at least where my daughter is enrolled you do.
I also feel more at ease here than in Australia, no helmet when I buzz to the store for soem food, can buy and drink a beer on just about every corner, even in my village. I don't smoke anymore, but it's not a disgrace or banned lik it is in Australia.
I gues it's the ไม่เป็นไร attitude I have adopted to life, rather than "I want now"
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