What ails the Thai family?
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09-21-2012, 11:47 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
What is that supposed to mean?
How can things be different and an old time outlook at Thai familys when there is no structure for it anymore.
Used to be that the whole structure was different with young staying at home, working with the family and raised with some social learnings and responsibility's.
No more, as young people find that it is easier and more profitable to go off to the city and work in the tourist industry and make in a couple of days what they would make in a month by staying at home working in the family farm or business, Prostitution is still illegal, but it is not enforced and damn near every girl from a poor family sees that as her way out and as a way to help the family or just because it is easier to make a little money and because it is an accepted way of life and not really illegal because there is no enforcement of the existing laws, cops taking pay offs instead of enforcing laws then it will continue and only get worse, you can put any laws on the books, but without enforcement they are just wasting their time because with no enforcement there is no laws.
Thailand is becoming known the world over as a whore society where any form of depravity is an accepted life form whether it is bars full of whores or places where child molestation and pedophilia is an accepted way as long a you will pay a little money, it is available, most if not all are known to police, how can they not be when tourists come from afar and know where they are going before they ever leave home and how much it will cost and what they can expect when they get there and the police not know.
How does anyone think that they can expect an old fashioned society when they live in a lawless state where anything goes and still expect most if not all to hold on to a lifestyle that has disappeared in a corrupted society.
People talk about there being shame by the parents because of what their daughters are doing, NO way, they seem to be proud of it and even brag about it, maybe if it were really against the law and those laws enforced then they would be, but not by it being an accepted profession.
Thailand seems to be an accepted destination for sex tourists by the government, Walking street in Pattaya is an area where whores, pimps, sexual deviates, tourists and police mingle freely and no one ever gets in anyone else business, Disgraceful.
I do not really know where such areas are because I do not live that kind of lifestyle, but there seems to be plenty of them and more and more young people are going into that form of living,, Disgraceful is about all I can say.
But put the blame where it belongs, not on the poor or general population, there are those that will live that way if it is accepted, but put it on the grafting police, Govt. officials and anyone who is to busy to help and protect the ones in their charge because they are getting rich because of the deplorable conditions that they allow people to live in.
And the police have to be held accountable, not because they only start at 6000 baht a month, but because the accept that salary but then expect to do nothing to earn even that, if you take the pay, then expect to do the work.
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