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09-21-2012, 10:35 AM
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Oct 2005
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words in themselves are not loaded.... I don't think that in itself "visually impaired" is any better or more considerate than "blind", that "black" is necessarily rude and calls for a punch in the face.... it's the way these words are said that counts. the intention, the feelings behind the words, the look in the eyes of the person talking to you. I would like to be called a "farang" by a nice person making comparisons about people or inquiring how we do things, rather than an "alien" or "caucasian" by someone who is not interested and considers me a nusiance. personally, I have never ever heard Thais use the word "farang" with a negative implication or disrespect. maybe because I have always done my best to respect them and their culture, too. "farang" is just a word like "flower" or "rice": it desribes the real world as seen by Thais. open up and listen behind the words, that's my advice to you.
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