It was complete silence. The first five or so minutes I was fully focused. After that, I kept my wai, but began sneaking my eyes around. Hmm... what are we supposed to be doing? I looked and everyone else was in deep thought -- no other eyes darting around. Okay... umm.. so I sat there some more. At the 20 minute mark, my legs began falling asleep and I was about to lose all concentration. Then I heard my sister...and the other children begin crying. Still in their wai, they were sobbing. Sobbing for what, I wondered? Sobbing as they release guilt (ask for forgiveness?) sobbing out of pure love for their moms? ...or sobbing because their legs were falling asleep, too? I pondered this for a while and then I heard my mom start crying. I lost it at that point. I couldn't feel my legs below the knee, my back was aching, there were no sounds at all except for those sobbing....and I started in. I lost it. I started sobbing along with them. I don't really know why.