ok, as for the "women's stuff crap", let me explain. here we had a lady who called all Asian women "subservient" without knowing anything about their life, just because she suspects they are obviously different from Western / US life models and ideals. if that's the kind of attitude someone carries around, well, then the idea behind is nothing short of crap. the idea as she interprets it, that is. the idea that makes her feel superior, and feel pity for people living in other self-sustaining cultures without an attempt to figure out how that culture works. I would accept someone passing judgement after gaining some insights, though. I don't think anyone who has been to Thailand for a while at least would call women subservient. there are anomalies, there are paths of exploitation (show me a place without these controversies and then I withdraw my comments I promise), but women in general are not oppressed and are not forced to take a back seat all the time. they just don't find it demeaning to run a household, raise kids, god forbid cook a good meal for their families - besides working really hard. and I would say crap to anyone any day who says to a full-time mother and wife that she should readjust her priorities and "realise herself" instead. sometimes realising youself comes through trying to realise the full potential of those around you, be it your students, kids, husband. Thais don't lead isolated, solitary lives, they keep connected to their families, support their kids, support their parents, help them any way they can. and there is nothing inferior about that. it's not subservience. it's realising you are not alone, that you are a link in the web.