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08-31-2006, 08:00 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Just my two cents on crying,
I'm not sure if it's just the younger generation of Thais, but I have been a first hand witness to the flow of tears from Thai people.
Shortly before I left Thailand, I had to give a farewell speech to my college and some of my dear friends were indeed, crying. A few of them trying really hard to hide it, a few more of them actually not being afraid to cry...and my dear gay friends making a big fuss and fanning themselves with these Minnie Mouse fans
So, is crying taboo in Thai culture? I wouldn't think so. It's just that it's not often seen (that was the first and last time I saw my Thai friends crying!)
And as for the funerals, I remember an old proverb that when tears are shed for a person's death, that person must swim through the tears to heaven, so crying isn't the best thing to do.
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