Best/Worst smells
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09-21-2012, 09:26 AM
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Oct 2005
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Best/Worst smells
So we've had plenty replies to Stephens best/worst noises, but how about aromatic Thailand. Here are some of my best/worst
1. That gagging stench that hits the back of your throat when you walk over a grate in the pavement. It is quite unique
2. Stale urine, although you get that everywhere and not just in Thailand I do seem to notice it quite a lot here.
3. Khlongs, say no more.
4.That teary, sneezy smell when kapow and chilli are being stir-fried. I actually quite like it coz you know good food is coming.
5. Grilled meat
6. Night markets. Nasal overload!
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