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09-21-2012, 08:53 PM
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Oct 2005
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Every race has different cognitive advantages and dissadvantages, this is well known in science, that given the same enviromental cercumstances some races will do better in different areas than others.
Where exactly are these findings documented? To my knowledge, most of the literature points to cultural versus biological differences.
...we all have advantages and dissadvantages in the areas of the brain that give every race an advantage in different areas.
What specific areas of the brain are we talking about here and what are these alleged differences? Are the differences structural or electro-chemical? Have these differences been assigned to a specific lobe, or to a specific one of Broadman's areas?
I have not found any support for your contentions in any of the relevant literature and would like to understand what your conclusions are based on. Please provide some specific references, as I am very interested to learn of these findings.
I have studied cognitive neuroscience and have read works by Gazzaniga, Ramachandran, and LeDoux. I am quite familiar with the areas of the brain and their specialized functions. I am also familiar with the electro-chemical mechanisms of the brain, including synaptic functions (e.g. action potentials and Hebbian plasticity) and the roles of neuro-transmitters (both excitatory and inhibitory) and neuro-modulators.
I am a trained psychologist and researcher and am very interested in this topic. Please help me to understand where you conducted your research and how I might locate your sources.
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