Why don't Thais like reading?
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04-07-2011, 07:11 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Television is one of the main reasons that Thai will not read, and it makes me mad.
Seems like they only want to watch mind deadening programs or stupid movies at that, and the best Thai programs are still in the keystone kops era of where US TV is today, maybe in another 10 years Thai TV will be up to the 3 stooges era.
We have UBC with all the goodies and our 16 year old girl will only watch Thai programs such as MTV, nothing for the mind, ask her where india is and she migh know the general direction, but where holland is and she is had, same with any history, even most Thai history she has no idea.
But then my wife is a teacher with a univ. education and she will not read for enjoyment either.
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