UNICEF - Thailand Survey
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09-22-2012, 06:10 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Sorry FIP but that's a load of bull!
You really think the US is a democracy? Over the last 15/20 years the 2 political parties have arranged it (gerrymandering) so that most congressional and senate seats are safe. Take what they did in Texas, the voting districts have been so distorted that there is very little chance of a recumbent losing!
Most people are so dissolutioned that it would take an earthquake to get them back in the electoral process.
Then you have the government itself so tied into the butts of the political contributors that they do evertything but the one thing they are elected for, to serve the people.
Then you have the UK government doing exactly the same thing. Grazing on the backs of the electorate and getting stinking rich at the same time.
These governments are no better than any of the 2nd or 3rd world countries, they just have more sophisticated processes!
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