Where is the best place to live in Thailand?
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11-07-2005, 08:24 AM
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Oct 2005
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The author asks for something like a place of perfection. As if everything he desires in a place to live fits like a glove. Don't think that can happen. Think there would have to be a little give and take. Excellent stories in the book retireing in thailand explaining why people live where they do in thailand. As for the field mice being eaten in the country side. Yep, taste like a kind of chicken. These mice are not to be equated as the rats that eat garbage in the cities. These field mice, as big as small dogs eat whats available in the fields of thailand. I've had it often. There caught in small cages. Personally, I say if any farang is in a small village and your offered these cooked critters to eat, then, try some. Spot of fish sauce helps with flavouring. And, about agreeing or disagreeing. Why.?? Thought this forum was about information. What's the need to take sides??
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