How to Help a Thai Friend Reconcile American Culture w/ Thai Culture
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09-22-2012, 05:46 AM
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Oct 2005
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Phonix, You have never given any actual things happening or not happening,or actually what is expected..
Do you assume that when a Thai dates a girl that they behave differently, or that a Thai husband or Farang husband will always act in a certain manner, or that a Thai wife will always bow down to her husband and do as he wishes with never a word back from her or will a farang wife react in the same manner.??
You will have to state what you believe they do or don't do.
As for Thai children or young adults,, they seem to do the same things that American youths do, My wife is a school teacher in a traditional Thai school in the mountains and even there away from any farang influence there are girls coming up pregnant, children with HIV/AIDS,Children skipping school, they act just like children the world over as all are human beings, cultures be damned.
It seems when ever anyone that has ever been to Thailand see's any trouble with anything, they blame it on culture differences, No matter what it is, when people are actually just the same everywhere and the world is very small, and people will always have what is called HUMAN NATURE.
People will always do the same things, just how they go about doing it is culture.
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