How to Help a Thai Friend Reconcile American Culture w/ Thai Culture
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09-21-2012, 04:16 PM
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Oct 2005
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But to be "Culture" it should be something that has been going on for more than 1 generation or 1 month.
The culture custom of sin sod is fine with me as it has been going on for many years,
Of the children taking care of the parents and old folks as that has also been going on for a long time, just as it used to in the States and other parts of the world before programs were in place to free the younger one from that duty.
But for someone to say it is custom "Culture" for the way a boyfriend treats his girl, or the way a husband/wife treat their other is not a custom, but just human nature to treat them right, or wrong, what ever ones nature is.
As this thread started, A Farang will not treat his G/F any different than a Thai, some will be all sweet when thay have no intentions of being like that forever, and some will never change from what you see is what you get, Altho it might be so that a farang will be more open as to what he is and what he thinks than a Thai would at first, which I would rather have it that way. I explained exactly my wishes and desires and my way of doing before we were ever to serious about our life together,,no need of putting up a front only to surprise them with what you really are later.
Which my wife has told me Thai men do,,but little did she know that men are the same the world over,,we come in all different models, just like cars.
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