Once married to a Thai
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09-21-2012, 07:40 PM
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Oct 2005
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Well if the marriage has never been registered, there is no need to get a divorce if both sides are happy with the financial settlement, and since in Thailand wealth is not usually transferable to the other partner as both partners have to make a financials contribution towards the marriage to get a financial return, so divorce is unnecessary as the assets remain in the persons name who pays for them, unlike in the west where one partner can sit back play tennis and socialize all day, have the privilege of having time to spend with the kids and sponge off the other partners hard won financial gained earnings, and then have the hide to think they deserve some of the other partners wealth. In Thailand if a woman wants to get half the house she has to go to work and earn the money and pay for half the house, if she wants to keep the children after a separation, she has to be the primary care giver, but she cannot expect to be financially supported by her x hubby, as why should he be paying for a child he does not have the privilege of spending time with, if the person who has the privilege of having the children should be paying for there own play toy. In Thailand you pay for what you use and what you get and get to keep what you pay for, no sponging allowed, and to me that is a fair system.
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