Once married to a Thai
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09-22-2012, 04:06 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Now, I am suspecting my marriage was never registered. I was looking at my marriage certificate with the English translation and it seems legit. It also has a certification with my ex -husband's father's signature indicating that his son was never married before. Well it doesn't really matter anymore. My ex husband past away 4 months ago and my daughter and I just found out about this last week. I stop communicating with him for 3 years now and it did bother me now that he is gone because her step daughter mentioned that her Mom and his step dad has been married at that time when I was married to him. It's a little bit stranged!!! How can I check if my marriage has been registered or real? just for my peace of mind! I have a daughter with my ex and I just felt like I need to know if this guy has been lying to me all the while!!!! Her present wife is kinda upset to why I am asking too much question. She said that my ex had told her that we don't communicate with
All comments is very much appreciated!
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