Very strange Bangkok experience...
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09-22-2012, 12:28 AM
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Oct 2005
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Very strange Bangkok experience...
My husband & I just got back from 3 weeks in Thailand. We loved it so much it was hard to come back to the states. The Thai people are incredible and aside from this one experience were very friendly and nice.
We were having lunch in Banglamphu (@ May Kaidee's-a great vegetarian place) and saw a nicely dressed man with a thick photo album approach the table behind us. The man at the table just brushed him off so he came up to our table. His photo album was open and had a picture of dead person hanging from a noose and a picture of a dead girl curled up on the floor with a head wound. I didn't look at the other two, but looked up at him and he had the nicest, warmest smile on his face. Then he walked off with no words exchanged.
What on earth was that about do you suppose? I can't come up with a single explanation.
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