Gas-a-hol questions
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04-20-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
gas-a-hol is a ethanol additive of not more than 10% to standard gasoline, it will reduce your milage a little because you do not get good milage from ethanol[alcohol], thats the only difference and any gasoline engine will burn it thru standard carburation fine. to go above the 10% mix you will have to rejet your carb.
and alcohol additive in not good for the rubber fuel lines if left to set in them for a long period of time, like in an outboard engine that is seldom ran.
so there is no worry about getting fuel if you run pump grade gasahol, as regular standard gas is available everywhere.
I see where Dan posted same time I was,,
But a spare tank is not needed for gas a hol as my wife buys it all the time for her Honda,,if you are talking straight ethanol, then that is something all together different.but gas a hol is a premix of 10% ethanol and 90% pump gas.
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