Thai Police Uniforms (they scare me)
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09-22-2012, 01:07 AM
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Jun 2006
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People are not blank sheets of paper for culture to write itself on?
Frankly you are very misled. Any Soc101 class would clear that matter up for you, considering that is exactly what each and every person is. No matter how much of an outcast and rebel you may want yourself to be, in the end you are the epitome of where you came from in all aspects of your social structure or culture.
As far as the fine for littering, I wouldn't exactly be proud of your "stand". Basically you broke the law and feel no shame. You in a childish way try to shift and excuse your actions claiming that (due to pollution) 2 wrongs make a right. So in that justification you could basically say "My attack on her wasn't rape because she had Yaa Baa in her purse, she broke the law first therefore my attack wasn't illegal." How is that statement any different from what was said above?
Just ridiculous! But in just 3 posts it is amazing how fast you have shown true colors. I do hope you improve.
Maybe I have misunderstood?
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