Thai Police Uniforms (they scare me)
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09-22-2012, 03:56 AM
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Oct 2005
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People are not blank sheets of paper for culture to write itself on....
you don't agree with it so you delete it?? I can't have an opinion that doesn't follow what you think?
I am not the one who said that. the person who said that goes by the name of Erich Fromm a psycho analysist who has written many books on the issues of freedom and human instinct...He said people are not blank sheets of paper to write itself on because he belives as i do too, that human beings have the instinct to be free. "free" in the sense that we do not want to bow down to any authority. There are many books on the subject.. here is another defintion of culture by a man named Michael Parenti. he has written a new book called.THE CULTURE STRUGGLE. Where he says......
Culture should be thought of as a changing process, the product of a dynamic interplay-even serious struggle--between a wide range of social and political interests. To understand a society we need to understand the problem of culture as well as that of power. And, conversely, to understand culture we also need to take note of how power is used in society, toward what end and for whose benefit and at whose cost.
He goes on to say that.........(michael parenti.)
I draw from cultures from around the world in the hope of demonstrating how beliefs and practices are subjected to manipulation by dominant interests, and how cultures are instruments of social power.
Hey this isn't me. These are well respected authors and scientists... I am just a reader.............
and your critizizing me about littering....I was just pointing out the Hipocracy of laws. How they go towards punishing the individual and not the corporations.(or the stytem) I mean take a look around you and read the statistics...most of the pollution in bangkok comes from the public busses....
is that correct?? And yet it only accounts for a small number of vehicles on the road..
So why is it that they do nothing about the buses spitting out smoke?? When the alternative is there? They can easily get rid of those busses and make natural gas busses instead of building more roads and more concrete like they always do making things worse...............
you can look for yourself..try looking the pre-natal deaths in bangkok due to pollution...and you will find some scary numbers..........
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