Need a bit of help
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09-22-2012, 01:37 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
What VisionChaser says it true up to a point. It's a good idea to look at the official documents. However, I think that it is also worthwhile trying to learn some things from others who have gone through similar processes. I've dealt with US immigration as an Alien and it's not always easy. This is not a uniquely US problem, I've sometimes heard bad things about the New Zealand embassy in Bangkok.
The key thing to watch with any such agency anywhere in the world is accidentally starting off badly, for example by giving them inconsistent information, making it look like you are trying to do something wrong. So be very careful and honest.
You can, of course, google for other discussions about these issues on the web. Another way of getting some useful information about this (and
other issues) is to find some local Thai people to talk to. If you are still at University there may be Thai students. Maybe there is a Temple in your area that you can visit. If you are considering a long-term relationship then I think it's really useful to have a few other Thai friends. It helps to get your "special" friend into perspective as an individual, not just a "Thai person".
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