Need a bit of help
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09-22-2012, 01:59 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Thank you... it is reassuring that someone who's seen this thinks things are okay!
Yeah, I wasn't worried about the dinner- I was somewhat low on cash on-hand, but really the way I viewed it was that they'd done a lot for me in kindness and I could do the same for them in a small way, and $25 in the USA would *not* get you what we had that night for food and beverage!!!
I'm already trying to plan things by budget, a trip for her here, or vice-versa. The biggest obsticle right now for me is this dang language barrier. In person we were great, very few misunderstandings or problems. Phone-wise... ugh! I'm trying, but man... its crazy.
Right now I'm trying to get her to understand that she needs to apply for a visa soon if she wants to visit in April or May. I'm trying to figure out how to arrange things since I know its going to be about $120 (all fees total) and she won't have the money for it... I just wish I had another way to communicate, she's tried to send me e-mail but I'm not sure if she has had a chance to actually send one yet or if she got my address wrong!
I really hope this works because she's got my mind on her constantly...
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