Thank you all for such interresting comments. . Mr. Synn. thank you for your questions. What brought me to Thailand was Boeing 747 (I believe) and JAL ., actualy whole reason I went to Thailand (2 times) was LOVE, for my sweetheart & now my wife, if it was not her, I would never have set foot in Thailand. All the natural beauty of the land, all the awesome culture would not have made me come there-seeing it all on National Geographic would have been enough for me.And honestly though Thailand has beautyful natural resources-tourist attractions-I don`t think its the most beautyful place/country in the world. It may appear that lot of my comments/posts are negatively inclined towards Thailand, but I guess that`s because people, new visitors, notice those negative things most, And really I have watched people of Bkk. passing on the streets for hours, and have not seen one smile between them. ..but its same in all big cities where you are surrounded by strangers. And there are some positive impressions of Thailand I have as well...I will try to post next few days. And yes, I will go back to few months..(God willing) honeymoon is not finished...