Two Prices: (1) for Thai's (1) for Farangs??
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09-22-2012, 03:51 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
i am not completly against dual prices. It work too in Russia where i have noticed that foreigners pay 5 or 10 more their museum tickets for example.
i think it is not a bad idea for dual prices into areas who promote culture or leisure. Citizens should access to their culture easier and foreigners with a better buy power by paying more, finance the culture budget
About shop goods, it's the law of ask and offer. Sure that foreigners need to have a better skill of negociation but you are free to go to another shop
In which other fields dual prices do exist in Thailand? As my knowledge in Thailand are weak, i have never noticed others kind of dual prices. Does a foreigner will have to pay a different price for the buy of a car for example or if a price is fixed by the governement?
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