Where is Thai humor?.....
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08-16-2006, 08:00 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Nam Pyinng, so you ask who cares?
Normally, those who tell jokes by virtue of their vocation or avocation, do. Or simply curious people (like me) who want to know why we laugh, what are the different types of humor, and why certain jokes are funny to some and not to others.
On a personal level, my interest in this sprang from my attendance in a seminar which tackled, among other things, the role of humor in public speaking, and extended to to everyday living. From there I saw how, in public speaking, certain jokes can bring the house down, or fall flat on your face, and in other spheres of life, how they can build rapport or ruin relationships.
As a student of life, I thought that knowledge was important.
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