Do thai people really drink?
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09-05-2012, 07:35 PM
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Oct 2005
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Thais are now amongst the top five drinking nations of the world.
The foreign tourists here also help bum the alcohol consumption figures right up.
Does the temperature affect Thais drinking? Na.....that's cause Thais mostly drink cheapo imported scotch whiskey, as for the local drunkards they stick to their rice whiskey.
Then on top of that the Thais enjoy mixing their drinks with loadsa soda and water. The Songran festival is at the height of the Hot Season and the upcountry Thais drink non-stop for three days, i'd say it's part of the tradition. One time of the year when it's all right to be completey 'off-yer-trosh'.
Sure, Thais do drink beer but nothing in proportion to Farangs. A lot of farangs can sit around on bar stools in Pattaya drinking beer from midday til midnight and still walk home. Most Thais would be flat on their backs after say six small beers.
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