Do thai people really drink?
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09-21-2012, 11:29 AM
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Oct 2005
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I have not seen many Chinese that drink, But I have seen them as drunk as skunks too, I looked for the genetic thing and it was mumbo jumbo to me,,But I did find this,,,
as traditional beliefs decrease, they tend to experience more drinking problems. Some have suggested that Chinese may limit their alcohol intake to avoid discomfort associated with the "Oriental flushing reflex," of which the primary manifestations are facial reddening, rapid breathing, itching, and other discomfort. A majority of Chinese (as many as 85%) experience the reflex, whereas as few as 3% of Caucasians do (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 1993). However, flushing is only slightly associated with reduced alcohol use. Furthermore, because it is physiological in origin, the reflex cannot explain differences in alcohol use over time or between generations.
The cultures that are most successful in preventing alcohol abuse are those whose members tend to view alcohol as a natural, normal part of life about which they have no ambivalence; to teach their young by example how to drink in moderation; to encourage drinking among family and friends rather than in same-gender settings; to discourage heavy, episodic drinking; to sanction negatively and promptly any unacceptable drinking behaviors; to respect the decision of those who choose not to drink and not pressure them to drink; and to be free of the belief that alcohol can solve problems, signify adulthood, grant power, or confirm manhood.""""
But I do know as one tends to drink as a maintenance drinking alkie, they will only have so much and maintain that level all day and as your drinking increases also your tolerance to alcohol increases, so you can drink all day and nite,, but then when you pass that stage then it takes less and less to smash you..
I will be glad to discuss alcohol with anyone, I might have some personal exp. to answer ..
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