relationships, everyday life and buddhism.
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09-21-2012, 04:29 PM
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Oct 2005
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Thanks for the help. I've looked at that website before and just had another look at it too, but it still isn't providing quite what I'm looking for, although I probably won't find that. I have most all of my presentation done, I was just looking for a tad bit more information.
i've done a lot of research and I was just looking for a first hand view of the culture/intimate relationships in Thailand. I was using Thailand because from what I've found it has the highest percentage of buddhists.
From what I can conclude is that Thailand seems to be a lot like western cultures in the aspect of relationships and what not. There is dating, the couple can live on their own and their dress seems to be quite normal.
It's interesting because with other cultures and relationships they have very strict rules when it comes to dating/marriage, but it doesn't seem to be that way with buddhism. Just as long as you have respect for each other and your not in it for self gratification then its all good or so it seems.
I was just looking for a culture that could somehow show buddhism in practive in this way, but I don't think I'm going to find that, especially given the amount of time I have and it's hard to learn the aspects of a whole other religion/culture in a short period of time, although I think i've done pretty good.
Are there any specific customs that go along with relationships that aren't similiar in the west? Equiette wise?
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