Thai katoeys
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09-21-2012, 10:32 AM
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Oct 2005
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Thai katoeys
This week one of the prime channels in India (not a global channel, not an affiliate but absolutely local.. which makes this even more special.) has carried a 40 min program on Thailand Ladyboys. When I first began seeing it alongwith friends, I was squeamish - "here is another projection of Thailand which I will have to argue about with everyone, to avoid a stereotype image of Thailand". Specially, because they began with the camera panning through all the night bars and the 'creative' titles they carry!
But once we were 10 minutes into the program I was very impressed. Not only the TV channel was carrying out a very sensitive reporting but also the people interviewed - Katoeys, their relatives, human right groups, general public and other support association - responded in a very sensible manner. It turned out a program into human nature and its depths.
In the report, they analysed how Thailand is one of the only few (or the only one) countries in the world that has such a tolerant and understanding persepctive of this segment of society. Not even the Modern West. However, of course, they delved further that still its not total freedom.
* This included the restrictions faced by ladyboys in society when looking for jobs.
* The confusion in sexual identity, because the government will not consider the ladyboy as a female - 'since 'she' was born a man... and so within, she still remains the same'
* And still there are parts of the society which do not accept it.
The program then ended with a graphic description of the surgeries some of them go through. That was a little tough section of the program!!
However, what impressed me most was the grace and confidence with which the ladyboys responded to the questions. Like one, who performs as a dancer mentioned:
" I do not drink, do not smoke. I do not go around making others unhappy. Please, you (people) have no reason to worry about me!"
Another one spoke some nice stuff, which I liked, because of the references:
" When I was a kid, I used to watch Indian movies and I was always moved by Bharat Natyam. So, be sure I was rather influenced from them!!"
And then there was a nice long interview with a person who is a song (or was it dance?) teacher and her students and parents. The pictures she showed of her dressed as a girl was nothin short of stunning! Very classical Thai style... shot in black & white.
And then there was an interview of an older person who teaches in a school ( I think, thats what it was) and the challenges and the love she faces from students, parents etc...
Incidentally, Indian ladybodys are called by almost a similar name - Kothis. But they live absolutely in the fringes and as far as I know they get opportunity for no meaningful jobs. ( But for sure, India is a land of contrasts. And we have had two Members of Parliament elected - both, Kothis! That was people's choice as a response to their frustration with normal politicians and then they got used to it.) Of course, historically, India has a better story. the Hindu religion talks of 'ardhnari/Ardhnareshvara' and the lord Shiva is depicted as man & woman - uniting both sexes into one body. And is part of many temples and reverred. And many other stories...
So, finally, a program which I thought would stereotype Thailand, instead turned out relating very well with the kind nature of the country and the balanced & independent mind-set of Thai people.
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