Propety $ can't come from foreigner husband?
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09-21-2012, 07:53 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Hi Moxhan;
Any money used to buy land, nevermind where it came from has to be declared to belong a Thai National.
The Non-Thai, even though the money was originally his must sign a document with the Land Office stsaing that the funds used to purchase the land are now solely the property of the Thai person and the foreign spouse agrees to having no rights of claim to the said land.
This document above all must be signed when the foregn person wishes to purchase land here in Thailand for his family:
Do be warned therefore that once that document is signed there is absolutely nothing you can do if your Thai darling decides to kick you out the door the next day.
If you are still unsure about your little sweetheart then see a lawyer about 'leasing land'.
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