Thread: Social status
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Old 09-21-2012, 09:28 AM   #2

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Quote[/b] (Makiy0 @ Oct. 21 2004,16:21)]This thread lacks female perspective and I shall provide one after much deliberation on quite a touchy issue.

I have been thinking and placing myself in Blonde18's shoes to decipher how I would feel and react if my boyfriend did this to me.

I will be PISSED/IRATE/FURIOUS/UPSET....(you get the picture Pissed to the point where I would just call off the trip. If he wants to do something like that, he better have an A* reason.

Some of the possible reasons that you guys came up with I thought were valid for consideration but do not come close to being A*. The orthodox dating process as I see it is this:

Step 1: Date various people (non-exclusive dating)
Status: Friends
Step 2: Date one person you feel is compatible after elimination (exclusive dating)
Status: Boyfriend/Girlfriend (Casual)
Step 3: After a period of exclusive dating, meeting the parents
Status: Boyfriend/Girlfriend (Serious)
Step 4: Proposal
Status: Fiance
Step 5: Marriage
Status: Spouse
Step 6: After prolong marriage, cheagting husband and nagging wife
Status: Divorced

(Step 6 is purely just for laughs )
Great 1 Makiy0!!!!!
Love the progression of removing the holes for him to jump through

To Blondie
If this is a infringes on your self respect (you decide that)
Tactfully but not apologetically approach the issue.
You can not be expected to be held accountable for every nuance of Thai society. Especially if it's being used as an excuse for another purpose.
IMO Any disrepect has been towards you.
But just maybe not intentional
WaydayTew is offline


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