Quote[/b] (Makiy0 @ Oct. 21 2004,16:21)]This thread lacks female perspective and I shall provide one after much deliberation on quite a touchy issue. I have been thinking and placing myself in Blonde18's shoes to decipher how I would feel and react if my boyfriend did this to me. I will be PISSED/IRATE/FURIOUS/UPSET....(you get the picture Pissed to the point where I would just call off the trip. If he wants to do something like that, he better have an A* reason. Some of the possible reasons that you guys came up with I thought were valid for consideration but do not come close to being A*. The orthodox dating process as I see it is this: Step 1: Date various people (non-exclusive dating) Status: Friends Step 2: Date one person you feel is compatible after elimination (exclusive dating) Status: Boyfriend/Girlfriend (Casual) Step 3: After a period of exclusive dating, meeting the parents Status: Boyfriend/Girlfriend (Serious) Step 4: Proposal Status: Fiance Step 5: Marriage Status: Spouse Step 6: After prolong marriage, cheagting husband and nagging wife Status: Divorced (Step 6 is purely just for laughs )