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Old 09-11-2006, 07:00 AM   #3

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Quote[/b] (rcalaimo @ July 19 2004,02:15)]khun Stacker ouch!!
"...those who are educated." What is your definition of educated?
Sure a person with the accent would help; but not all people of accent are suited to be a teacher. Sounds like you are prejudging in your post.
My sincere appology for the late reply... If it sounded like I was judging allow to rephrase please.

I was talking about the people who go on vacation in Thailand and never return. The Backpackers as the farang ajarns refer to them. These people all for one reason or another have decided to live in a paradise and do the easiest work they come across and due to the demands would be teaching for the most part.

I am talking about the people who have not gone through any schooling or training to instruct them in the ways to properly teach someone. I am sure you could find teachers in Thailand that did not even finish their High School education let alone college level courses.

I am certain as Sonic said he is native born, thus his English would be the same tongue as the Royal Queen's. However, getting a job based on that is possible, yet many schools advertise for a 'white' skinned person explicitly. That was my point, not that his/her English was poor in any way. Simply that the skin color would unfortunatly have some impact on the people looking to fill the position. This is the reason many unqualified people have the ability to teach in Thailand.

And finally, yes I agree a teacher is not a teacher due to their educational background. I have said in other posts that a farmkid with no college education could easily be a better teacher than some of the people I had gone to college with. It very much depends upon the person, and even more so when teaching a foreign language to non-speakers. Teaching is about an earnest desire to help, and a complete self sacrificing attitude, not a degree. The only problem with this concept is what about those who are bad teachers, and have no educational background? This is what I meant when I said ..."this topic has come up serveral times and is usually a heated debate that upsets those of us who are educated."

Hope to clear up the misunderstanding
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