Buying steroids in thailand
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09-21-2012, 08:06 PM
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Oct 2005
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Seeker, you'd be AMAZED how quickly the bickering would end if you didn't pepper your comments with your habitual pseudopersonal, albeit mean-spirited, putdowns like wife-fishing and wishy-washies, and your character attacks (e.g., calling Del a freak). These are hardly the hallmarks of a responsible debater. Purge these weapons out of your repertoire and you will soon see that we can actually hold a much more civilized debate. The choice is really yours.
Okay, back to the topic. I am honestly confused about the steroid issue here. Tjau Min stated at the origin of this thread that steroids were mostly legal in Thailand. Given that Dennis James was charged with holding E without authorization, it wasn't actually the steroids then that got him into trouble, but only the E, right?
So what types of steroids are illegal in Thailand, and why? Anyone know? Which circles us back to the question, why not legalize them?
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