Youths migrating to Thailand
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09-15-2006, 08:00 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
[QUOTE]After this trip, I realised that I do not love my home country as much as I do Thailand. So everytime I make a trip there, I have to bear the blues of having to return home. I hate the feeling. I want to know how possible it is for a young person, 24-28, to migrate to Thailand. This hypothetical young person is able to speak Thai fluently, looks Thai and has a law degree in the premier university of Singapore.
I too an currently am feeling the blues of having to return home after taking a much loved trip to thailand. Ever since I arrived home two weeks ago All I can think about is my Thai friends, and my Thai girlfriend. I have been in a rut ever since i've came home. Now every night when I go to work I feel like I'm severing time in prision and waiting for my sentince to finish so I can return "home."
I'm a little younger than you, and a little less educated than you (I don't have a college degree). But I'm going to save up for the next year and see what kind of life i can establish with my friends and girl friend in Thailand. I know this has got to sound navie but it's the only direction I can see at this moment.
I wish you the best of luck and I hope you can find Happiness in Thailand.
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