Alcohol in thai society
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05-21-2006, 08:00 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Dear Joan
From my experience here, alchohol does play a massive part in Thai social life with people buying a bottle of whiskey and sharing it throughout the night, the men get very drunk but as a rule women do not drink much in Thailand. If you go out with a mixed groups of friends, particularly work colleagues, the women will stick to pepsi and water. It is very easy for a woman to refuse alchohol. I have never been pressured into drinking, in fact people find it commendable if I refuse (which isn't often I have to admit).
There are also lots of opportunities for meditation so if you need to chill out and 'rebalance' yourself then you can easily find that here.
I hope you have fun and good luck with staying on the wagon!
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