HK 80+ yo Ah Pek self-defense against 8 teen robbers and WON!
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10-25-2011, 03:34 PM
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Oct 2005
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HK 80+ yo Ah Pek self-defense against 8 teen robbers and WON!
When HK Ah Pek went for morning exercise 8 youth gangsters attacked Ah Pek whacking his head and tried to rob his handphone & HK$2000 cash. Ah Pek use a pocket knife in self-defense and he knows some Chinese gongfu, the youth at 19 to 16 years old lost and fled with injury. Later all got arrested due to blood traces. 3 of them charge in court today.;_ylv=3
習武八旬翁摺刀退賊 遭8童黨扑頭截劫
明報明報 – 9小時前
【明報專訊】八旬晨運客於將軍澳晨運,遭8人童黨攔途截劫但不果,有人更被八旬翁揮刀弄傷,留下血迹而一網 成擒。其中3人被控企圖搶劫罪,昨在區院受審。涉案八旬翁自言曾習武,指摘童黨是「癲狗、畜生 」。
3人控企圖搶劫 一成年還押
案中唯一成年被告為曾旭翹(19歲),因涉於保釋其間犯案被收押;其餘3名被告未滿16歲,其中一人昨獲不 提證供起訴,當庭釋放。3名被告被控於5月1日在將軍澳寶寧路意圖搶劫麥珠(81歲)。另外4人的案件早前 已在觀塘裁判法院處理。
麥昨供稱篤信佛教,一輩子未曾與別人爭執,雖然曾因傷害別人有所內疚,但他也說:「(童黨)好似癲狗、畜生 ,見到老人仲打得落手。」他昨在於庭外指曾習武,案發前完成膽手術,直言如非人數眾多,早有準備反抗,又形 容當時「置生死於度外」。
刺傷一人 指「置生死於度外」
控方開案陳辭指出,案發凌晨4時半左右,麥於上址步行,一羣青年走過後,突感後腦被硬物敲打,復被推踢倒地 。麥被襲時取出一把隨身攜帶摺刀揮舞,意圖將眾人嚇走,其間一名赤裸上身男子嘗試搶走其手機及現金2000 元遭反抗,並將摺刀刺向該男子,眾人隨即逃去。
警方其後於附近行人隧道發現血迹,調查下到明德邨一單位拘捕被告,警誡下部分被告承認曾襲擊一長者。麥同日 被送院,證實有瘀傷及流血等,留醫3日出院。
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[B] [COLOR = "# 006400"] [SIZE = 5] Weng knife martial arts octogenarian retired thief was 8 head-bashing gangs robbed [/ SIZE] [/ COLOR] [/ B]
Ming Pao, Ming Pao Daily News - 9 hours ago
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81-year-old Michael Chu morning walkers were off eight gangs waylaid, he has been practicing martial arts knife resistance, defeat alone 8. (Lin Jinghui photo) Enlarge Image
81-year-old Michael Chu morning walkers were off eight gangs waylaid, he has been practicing martial arts knife resistance, defeat alone 8. (Lin Jinghui photo)
[Ming Pao] Eighty-morning walk-off in Tseung Kwan O morning walk, was eight gangs waylaid but to no avail, it was more hurt by octogenarian Weng brandished a knife, leaving blood and subnet Chengqin. Three people charged with attempted robbery in the District Court yesterday for trial. Eighty Weng involved have since made the martial arts, accused of gangs is "insane dog, beast."
3 people charged attempted robbery an adult remand
The only defendant in the case of an adult Alice Tseng (19 years), due to involvement in the crime during which he was held to bail; the remaining three defendants under 16 years old, one of them yesterday was no evidence to prosecute, released immediately. Three defendants charged in the May 1 robbery at the Tseung Kwan O Po Ning Road intention wheat beads (81 years). Four others have been the case earlier in the Kwun Tong Magistrates' Court.
Michael said yesterday for the devout Buddhist, life has not dispute with others, although some guilt Zengyin hurt others, but he also said: "(gangs) like crazy dogs, animals, playing off the hand to see the old Chung." Yesterday he court refers to the martial arts that was before the incident to complete gallbladder surgery, blunt, if not the large number of well prepared to resist, but also described the "set in the givers of life and death."
Stabbed a man refers to "set in the givers of life and death."
Opening remarks that the prosecution case, the incident about 4:30, wheat on the site walk, came after a group of young, suddenly felt a hard object head was beating, kicking down to re-pushed. When the attack wheat carry out a knife wielding, with intent to frighten people, during a topless man trying to take away their mobile phones and 2,000 yuan in cash was resistance, and knife stabbing the man, the crowd then fled .
Police later found blood in the vicinity of the pedestrian tunnel to investigate a unit next to the village and arrested the defendant Matilda, part of the defendant admitted under caution that attacked an elderly. Michael was sent to hospital the same day, confirmed bruises and bleeding, etc., 3 hospital discharge.
[Case No.: DCCC817/11]
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