People First Party - Let the Bullets Fly 宋連署也轉涼 親民黨:讓子彈飛一會兒嘛!
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10-03-2011, 02:43 PM
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People First Party - Let the Bullets Fly 宋連署也轉涼 親民黨:讓子彈飛一會兒嘛!
宋連署也轉涼 親民黨:讓子彈飛一會兒嘛
中時 更新日期:"2011/10/02 05:30" 管婺媛/台北報導
獨立總統參選人連署進入第十一天,親民黨昨天在台北凱撒飯店、頂好廣場前設置連署站,但受天候影響,兩個連 署站一天下來僅獲兩百多份連署書。對於連署情況,親民黨發言人吳崑玉說,車站是流動點,人群來來去去,希望 外界有點耐心,「讓子彈飛一會兒嘛,成果會出來的!」
台北車站前的凱撒飯店連署點,昨天早上十點開站後,短短一小時內獲得十多張連署書,前往連署者以中高年齡層 為主。親民黨黨工表示,雖受天氣確實影響連署人潮,但該站一天下來也獲得一百份連署書。
一位七十多歲老先生特地坐捷運自中和南勢角趕來,對於外界批評宋楚瑜表態參選是破壞泛藍團結一事,老先生反 嗆,過去宋擔任省長時做得非常好,哪有甚麼分裂團結的事情。
負責在頂好廣場連署的親民黨市議員林國成坦言,連署人潮確實受天氣影響而減少一半,平時連署量應可衝破兩百 人,但昨天下午僅連署到一百多份。但他也表示,自己的服務站目前已回收三百份連署書。
對於外界質疑親民黨連署情況不佳,吳崑玉表示,黨工歷經鍛練,不論面對國民黨攻訐或不良天候,都能像「魔鬼 終結者」,銅筋鐵骨地衝連署,希望外界有點耐心。
Song is also cooler PFP petition: Let the bullets fly for a while Well
When the update: "2011/10/02 05:30" pipe Wu Yuan / Taipei
Wu Yuan China Times [Tube / Taipei]
Independent presidential candidate petition to enter the eleventh day, the People First Party Caesar Hotel in Taipei yesterday, the top set a good petition before the station square, but affected by the weather, the day have only been two petition more than two stations were signatures. For the petition of the People First Party spokesman Wukun Yu said, the station is a flow point, the crowd come and go, hoping the outside world a little patience, "Let the bullets fly for a while Well, the results will be out!"
Caesar Hotel, Taipei Railway Station before the petition points, ten in the morning yesterday after opening the station, just one hour to obtain a dozen or petition the book, who to petition to the high age-based. People First Party, said party workers, although the weather does affect the petition by the crowd, but the station also won the day One hundred signatures.
A 73-year-old man from the South specifically MRT corner came the potential for criticism is to undermine pan-blue candidate James Soong's position regarding the unity, the old man the anti-choking, when the last song done very well as a governor, so how to split the unity of things.
Responsible for a good square in the top of the PFP petition City Council Linguo Cheng admitted that the crowd really affected by the weather petition is reduced by half, usually the amount should be able to break through the petition 200 people, but only a petition yesterday afternoon more than a hundred. But he also said that his service station has recovered three hundred copies of signatures.
For the petition questioned the poor performance of the PFP, Wukun Yu said the party workers after exercise, regardless of the face of attacks from the Kuomintang, or bad weather, can be like "Terminator", steel frame in red copper bars petition, hoping the outside world a little patience.
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