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Old 07-07-2011, 12:19 AM   #11

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李蔡同台 小英籲司法應中立

更新日期:2011/07/01 20:52
(中央社記者林紳旭台北1日電)前總統李登輝因國安密帳案遭起訴,民進黨主席蔡英文今天表示,檢調應嚴守中立、不要選擇性辦案,台灣因過去特殊處境,許多機密經費使用的適法性、正當性,都要 重新檢討審視。
李登輝、蔡英文晚間同台參加台灣團結聯盟募款餐會。蔡英文指出,台灣的國家特殊處境,加上由威權走向民主, 過去許多機密性或敏感性的經費使用,相關的適法性、正當性,都要重新檢討審視。
她說,司法單位更要有一致性的處理標準,不能因人而異,甚至是選擇性的辦案,檢方這時候起訴李登輝,不禁讓 人懷疑。
蔡英文表示,民進黨認為司法檢調應該嚴守中立、公正審理,同時司法案件也不應該被當成政治議題,甚至是選舉 的議題而大肆操作。
蔡英文、李登輝今天晚上出席台灣團結聯盟募款餐會,蔡英文、李登輝和台聯黨主席黃昆輝分別上台致詞,並共同手牽手造勢,支持者呼喊「蔡英文當選、李登輝加油、台聯過5%」。100 0701
Tsai Ing-Wen is another opportunistic creature. She selectively made statements that only serve to undermine her opponents even though it might not be on the side of justice. And because she badly needs Lee's support in coming Presidential election, she has no moral standings and qualms over whether she is standing alongside a criminal or not. Tsai is downright despicable, lack of backbone, has no moral sense and integrity. Taiwan does not deserve someone like her to be its president. She is a disgrace to humanity.
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