On the contrary, RBA Lucy was hinting on a pause to interest rate rises. As for tax deductables, if you read carefully what she wrote, she has a valid point too. Many developed countries, including the US have stopped fighting inflation. Now, inflation rate of 4% is acceptable and cash rate of .25% is inevitable. You can write a paper to convince the world that low tax and low interest rates is the way to go, but as far as I understand, Alan Greenspan had practice this since 2001 and looked what a mess he created. There has to be a balance somewhere, unfortunately, humans are irrational. The microcosm of this can be seen in Madoff's investors and current Aussie homebuyers as well as people buying USD (despite US having a greater debt problem than fall guy Greece). So far, low cash rate is a good weapon for USA to deal with a China, and it exposed how fragile the Chinese economy is, and also how immature the Chinese stockmarkets (gambling dens) are.