New Zealand : 7.0 earthquake reduces buildings to rubble in Christchurch
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09-05-2010, 01:06 PM
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NZ Quake Zone Hit By Aftershocks And Winds
11:47am, Sunday September 05, 2010
Jo Couzens
Strong aftershocks and gale-force winds have hit New Zealand's second largest city - as it recovers from the country's worst earthquake in 80 years.
New Zealand PM John Key (R) and city mayor Bob Parker survey the damage
Christchurch, on the South Island, and a large surrounding area of rural towns and farms were struck by the magnitude 7.1 tremor on Saturday.
Roads were ripped up, power lines brought down, water and sewage pipes smashed and buildings wrecked.
New Zealand's prime minister John Key has said it is "a miracle" no one was killed and only a few people were injured.
Initial estimates for the cost of earthquake damage are around NZ$2bn (£933m).
But Mr Key said the Earthquake Commission, a state disaster insurance fund, has sufficient assets to be able to cover claims.
Collapsed building in Christchurch
Some of the city's large public facilities, including major bridges, the airport, university and a sports stadium due to host games at next year's Rugby World Cup, appeared to have suffered only superficial damage.
A state of emergency remains in force throughout the region, but a curfew on the badly damaged central business district has been lifted.
"We've got some tough days ahead of us and I'm not optimistic," Christchurch mayor Bob Parker said.
Around 500 buildings are estimated to have been damaged, with more than 90 in the centre, the Christchurch City Council said.
Aftershocks, the strongest measuring magnitude 5.1, have continued to send loose bricks and masonry crashing into the streets.
Damaged road (Pic: Sarah King)
Winds gusting up to 80mph have also been forecast, raising fears that already weakened buildings could collapse.
Nearly 300 people displaced from their homes are staying in emergency centres, and welfare groups have been able to feed around 1,000.
Power has been restored to 90% of the region and water to 80% - but the water is still not safe to drink because of contamination from broken sewage pipes.
A fire blazes in a damaged building after the quake
Mr Key said, after a tour of the city, the clean-up and reconstruction operation could take "at least a year".
The quake was one of the 10 strongest recorded in New Zealand, which sits between the Pacific and Indo-Australian tectonic plates, and records around 14,000 earthquakes a year.
The last fatal tremor was in 1968 when an earthquake measuring 7.1 killed three people on the South Island's West Coast.
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