Haiti Donations
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01-15-2010, 09:42 PM
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Oct 2005
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all I heard was $100 million, I expressed that I didn't want to see a red cent go to the haitian government. I have no idea where the [government] money is going.sending troops and the engineers is the right move to build some basic infrastructure (port, roads, hospitals). probably most disturbing is the absurd statement that I'm listening to Rush. I haven't heard rush limbaugh speak in over a decade. It's my own concern based on what I've read about what has been going on in haiti the last few years. you should stop assuming what I'm saying and actually read it. I cited an article from the Inquirer that backs up those observations and you accuse me of listening to rush. could you be any more partisan? try making statements rather than making bul**** assumptions and absurd statements.
had you left it at
Right now, the US Military seems to be in charge of everything down there -- opening and running the airport, trying to get the port open, clearing the roads, etc. -- that a better-established and wealthier government would do itself. And I don't see anyone from the Haitian government complaining about it, or yelling and screaming that their military should be (or could be, if given the money) doing those things. but you had to make a moronic dig. if you know anything about me, and it's clear you do not, you wouldn't tell me to stop listening to rush.
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