it amazing that they found mohammed atta's passport a block and a half away in the rubble of the wtc. while none of the black boxes that day were recovered. not from wtc, not from the pentagon and not from shanksville pa. so this was an important piece of "evidence". wow, i also almost forgot that three buildings fell that day at the wtc complex. 1, 2, and 7. also amazing that all three of them just imploded upon themselves when only two planes crashed into the complex, kinda like when they demolish old vegas casinos. it was only time in history that a steel framed structure collapsed due to fire. those al qaeda guys sure got lucky that day. somehow they even got norad to stand down, normal protocol is that when a plane goes off course and is unresponsive for two minutes, they scrable jet fighters to intercept, yet it was over an hour from the first plane hit the wtc that the final plane hit the our most sensitive building (pentagon). oh, and what happened to the anti-aircraft missles at the pentagon too? hmmm, boy those mean turbin wearing box cutter carrying guys sure got lucky that day huh.