Can Democrats Be Trusted with Foreign Policy?
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09-28-2009, 05:32 PM
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Can Democrats Be Trusted with Foreign Policy?
Can Democrats be trusted with foreign policy?
First, most Democrats saw the same intelligence Bush saw and voted for the Iraq war. Going back to 1998, many Democrats are on the record talking about Hussein having WMDs.
Then the war became unpopular and Democrats cynically politicized the decision to go to war, saying they were intentionally misled by Bush or some other such comments in order to appease their base instead of talking to them like adults.
Then, when Iraq was losing support, they were criticizing Bush for not putting enough troops into Iraq. When turned around and corrected his failings in this regards, they then claimed putting more troops in Iraq was a bad idea.
The real area of concern, allegedly, which needed more attention was Afghanistan. Obama was spouting this line up until recently. Now that it is crunch-time in Afghanistan, the Democrats are backing down from those previous comments.
Earlier in the year, Obama was supporting putting anti-ballistic missiles in the Czech Republic & Poland, who upset the Russians by agreeing to the American plan. And we know how recently Obama overturned that, making Poland & the Czechs look foolish.
If I was a foreign leader, I would hesitate to make an alliance with America. You never know when a Democrat is going to sell you down the river or break commitments made by previous administrations.
If it weren't so serious, this would be comical.
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