Don't even get me started with this one. Bush was completely undermined by a leaked NIE which said Iran wasn't pursuing nuclear weapons. It was obviously crap at the time, but the media and others pounced on it. That effectively killed any efforts Bush had with doing anything with Iran. But look, I'm not in a Bush personality cult like many are in an Obama personality cult. And here's my prediction: Russia and China are not going to do anything to Iran because they are knee-deep in Iran's efforts. At least not until it is too late. I mean what are we going to do to Russia and China. We already gave up a big bargaining chip with Russia prior to getting anything in return and China owns our debt. But everyone is ignoring the overall point of this thread. Does anyone dispute my overall analysis about the Democrats? Back Afghanistan, sell 'em down the river, etc. They lack a seriousness and are taking their foreign policy positions out of cynical politics. Not saying that hasn't been around since time began in many regards, but it is really breathtaking in its scope. Could you really see Truman, JFK or any other number of Democrats abandoning West Berlin because it lacked support within their party? I can't.