Wars: Compare & Contrast - WWII vs Vietnam
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04-10-2009, 05:05 AM
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Oct 2005
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THe only problem is that the arms race following the Viet Nam war basically bankrupted the communists. Without the war there is no arms race and instead of the former commies now consuming american good and service at record pace they would still pose a worldwide threat.
Other than that I agree the US lost the Vietnam war. Communism is really flourishing right now and democratic republics dissapating. There were several super powers in the world,
communism bankrupted, all of sudden exactly one super power left-guess who? THe powers that be should def be taking advice from pacifist know nothings as the current plan which finds the US as the only super power left obviously was a gross failure and all of those people died for the cowards for nothing.
The war didn't end in 1972 it ended the day some kid could buy Levis in MOscow legally-sometime in the mid 80's.
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