Cost of higher education goes up faster than healthcare and no one cares
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05-10-2009, 01:57 AM
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Oct 2005
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rendell brought up an interesting idea called bare bones schools which were oposed by traditional schools. Essentially, taxpayers and students are forced to buy into these large schools with ever growing facilities and research labs, auditoriums, etc. much of this really isn't necessary for a college level education which needs teachers, students, and material (which could be books or digital materials). in grad school we had a prof who wrote his own book but instead of selling his soul, he published it digitally and sold it for $11. It's an excellentidea. You could lease the botany 500 building, hire teachers, and start gyms, no dorms, just classes. you don't need all that stuff. yes it's nice, but is it worth $30k in loans? that's a question that each should be able to answer. that said, the other reason education costs goes up is because the government helps everyone pay for it, so why not?
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