Expensive without the results: Health care in the U.S. costs the most, not the best i
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04-10-2009, 06:10 AM
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Oct 2005
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Really? You can assure me of that? Because NYC hospitals spend millions a year on dialysis alone for non english speaking foriegners. Can you show me some facts and figures on this one please?
and every new drug, machine and procedure comes from here.
so all of these other places that have better healthcare are getting their drugs, machines and procedures from here. Just like you and everyone else you know. I'm quite certain that multinationals not headquarted in the USA, such as Siemens Medical GmbH, Phillips Healthare Solutions B.V., Novartis International AG (the world's largest pharma company in revenue), GlaxoSmithKline, and Bayer GmbH, to just name a few would all disagree with that. Check out their annual reports; I am sure you can find them online.
France is ranked number one in your post? When was the last time you took a drug that was invented in France? Here is a hint-Never, Dude, I never said France was ranked # 1 in health care, so don't even try to put words in my mouth. It did rank significantly higher in some aspects than the USA in the Daily News chart which I mentioned earlier, but not quite as high in others
the cost per capita for health care there is significantly less. Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention above, Sanofi-Aventis, headquartered in Paris (France NOT Texas), you know, the world's largest producer of vaccines.
when has Canada had medical breakthrough-another hint the answer is NEVER. Apparently, you don't consider the discovery of insulin to be a major "medical breakthrough". (hint: just google "Sir Frederick Banting and Dr. Charles Best").
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