Expensive without the results: Health care in the U.S. costs the most, not the best i
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05-09-2009, 09:46 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I really shouldn't feed the troll, but I can't resist pointing to actual information, in case anyone out there is interested in educating themselves.
when has Canada had medical breakthrough-another hint the answer is NEVER.
Insulin is the most famous one, but it's hardly the only one. Canada has had quite a few major medical breakthroughs for such a small country.
Here's a long list
of Canadian medical breakthroughs.
Here's a more in-depth description of
10 of the biggest ones
France is ranked number one in your post? When was the last time you took a drug that was invented in France? Here is a hint-Never, Perhaps they were too busy
winning the Nobel Prize in Medicine
for discovering the human papilloma viruses (HIV) that causes AIDS.
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